Google launching hologram video call

 With Project Starline, Google aims to make video conferencing more immersive by turning you into a hologram.

At the I/O 2021 event last night, Google announced Project Starline – it's latest videoconferencing tech.

But how is it different from Google Meet or Skype?

It aims to bring you almost face-to-face with the person you speak with.With Project Starline, The essential idea that Google draws is that the person you speak with seems like they right there, and when you talk to them there is no UI to distract you.

Imagine you have a magic crystal ball that allows you to see another person, their life-size, and in three dimensions. You can speak naturally, make gestures, and communicate with eye contact. Google explains the technology in its blog.

Project Starline is a technology that can be found in selected Google offices and utilizes custom-made hardware and highly specialized equipment.

Google has employed the technology for internal communication purposes between its offices located in the Bay Area, New York, and Seattle. The company has also demonstrated the technology to selected partners in the healthcare and media sectors.

The trial deployments for Project Starline is scheduled to begin later this year.

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